Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A day in London, my favorite city in the world!

Dear Family & Friends,

Today was a well earned day of rest and & relaxation. After three weeks on a motorcycle we needed this.. We got some laundry done and then went into London for a little fun. Hands down London is my favourite city in the world. Amazingly diverse and dynamic. Always something new to see and do.
Today was my birthday so spending it in my favourite city could only have been better if my Bonnie or my daughters were here with me, but Duane will have to do.. He did buy me lunch in honor of my BD..;-)
We acted like real tourists,,, went to Covent Gardens and watched street entertainers, walked around Trafalgar Square and paid our respects to Lord Nelson and even took a two hour site seeing bus ride..
After that we finished off the afternoon with a meal in China Town.. Thank god no more chips and peas!!
Tomorrow the motorcycles get a little TLC and then it is off to the Isle of Man for some real excitement!!


PS: Did you notice that AOL over here has a British spell check system so at least my words are spelled correctly in one part of the world...

Again some signs just do NOT translate from one culture to another... Can you imagine posting his sign in San Luis Obispo?? The planning department would have a fit!

Some amazingly talented young women playing a combination of classical and pop music. Had to buy one of their albums.

Duane's new dapper look...

That is one BIG blue chicken..

Today was my birthday so I took a photo of this old man to remind myself how much younger I look in my mind's eye...

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