Monday, September 2, 2013

Off to Edinburgh Scotland and Finally a Day of No Rain!!

Dear Family & Friends,

Today we woke up to quite a shock.... The sky was clear and blue and it was actually warm out!! Yesterday I wore heavy jeans and rain paints, long sleeve shirt, sweater, electric inner jacket, electric gloves, and a heavy duty jacket... Today I wore jeans, a T-shirt, and a light jacket.. What a relief!
So we took of for a couple of days in Edinburgh.. An easy couple hour ride...
First we had breakfast at our hotel and Duane genuinely enjoyed his plate of eggs and haggis.. Good for him.
We took off down a nice country road all dry and warm.. 
Of course things never stay easy for long in this country. Once we reached the main highway the winds kicked up to a gail force 9! Fun on a motorcycle.....not!
 There were a couple of very large high bridges we had to go over and the wind was so strong it was really hard to keep the motorcycles going straight.. After this trip I think we will qualify as Master Motorcyclist!
We got to Edinburgh around noon and wound our way through busy downtown streets looking for out hotel.. I actually liked it. The action and excitement in a big city is infectious and on a motorcycle you really feel like you are part of it.. Duane not so much. By the time we reached our hotel he was quite ready for his "Amnesia Beer" as he calls it.. One large beer puts an immediate smile on Duane's face...
This afternoon we finally did some much needed laundry. Not exciting but absolutely necessary. 
I walked around a bit and I can tell this is going to be a fun city.. We decided to spend two nights here and I will post lots of photos of the city tomorrow night. 
Until tomorrow.

Look how happy Duane looks with his Haggis & Eggs!

Edinburgh is a beautiful and vibrant city..

That is Edinburgh Castle on a hill just above our motel.

The oldest pub in Edinburgh, continuously operating since 1516!

Haggis, Tatties, & Neeps... I have no idea what any of that is.. Only the Scottish could invent that dish.. :(

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