Friday, September 13, 2013

Goodwood Revival Day#2

Dear Family & Friends,

Another day at Goodwood and a great day too!!
Now I know some of you do not know about the Goodwood Revival so let me give you some history...
Goodwood is the estate of Lord March... In the 1930s his father Lord Freddie March let the RAF use his open fields as a bomber base for WWII. Many of the great air battles of Britain were launched from Goodwood. After WWII the air base was converted into a race track and many famous sports car races were conducted there from 1948 to 1968.
When the current Lord March inherited the estate is was in terrible disrepair and deeply in debt. Lord March restored the estate and started putting on the Goodwood Revival to relive the golden years of WWII and the following racing years.. The event has become such a HUGH international event that the estate is now solvent and fully restored.
The Goodwood Revival is far more than a car races... There are classic motorcycles, vintage WWII air craft on display and flying demonstrations. A big feature of the event is the fashion show. Lord March encourages everyone to come dressed in clothes from the 1940s to the 1960s so you see fabulous attire here. I cannot really describe the whole event, there is simply to much going on. I have been several times before but for Duane it was all new and he was like a kid in a candy store.
Again the weather forecast was for rain all day but we really lucked out and it was actually quite pleasant until we left and we did have to ride back to our B&B in pouring rain, but a small price to pay for a great day!
By the time we got back we were exhausted from 10 hours at the track.. Duane kicked up his feet and relaxed. I decided to ride my motorcycle back to the local pub and had a fun evening with my friend Mark Finburgh and his friend. A rather damp ride but well worth it.
More tomorrow.
Lord Leib getting ready to present himself to Goodwood..

Tomorrow I have to work on my period attire...

This is called a "British Love Shack" a small cabin bedroom for the garden to enjoy a "special evening".. :)

A half scale Spitfire for the child that has everything..

I so wanted this jacket but unfortunately they did not have my size... :(

A $15,000 capacino machine built to look like a Ferrari V-12

1/4 scale Bugatti Type 57... Every child needs one of these.

The parking lot was a show unto itself.. 

I really want this... reproduction Victorian era patio furniture..

See, sun!!

Hand built reproduction classic wooden boats.

If you need a new aluminum body for your vintage Rolls Royce there is someone there to do it..

Not often you see Spitfires and Mustangs flying this low in formation!

Great outfit but the smart phone kills the look..

If you need a classic Rolls there were plenty for sale..

Even period WWII dress.

This was one of my favorite race cars when I was a kid, it is a Lotus 40. They were not terribly successful but look great. When Jimmy Clark was asked what he thought of the Lotus 40 he said it is just like the Lotus 30 but with ten more mistakes... Not all Lotus race cars were great..

This is a very rare and successful Lotus 26R raced by Jimmy Clark to a work sports car championship. I actually restored this very car 35 years ago when it was in America. I am sure it has been rebuilt many times since then..

Classy... :(

Love the Go Go boots.

Hippies were around during the 1960... I remember..

These ladies were enjoying themselves..:)

The great Bruce McClaren was unfortunately killed at the Goodwood race track in the 1960s while just testing a car there. I remember it well

Allan DeCadinae giving a talk to the crown..

Looking rather dashing..

My friend Mark and Duane..

My friend Aubrey gave us these great passes that got us in ANYWHERE  in the track!

The great Jackie Stewart getting ready for the GT-40 race..

Duane thinks he is going to get to drive this car... April fools...

Even the track has been restored to what it looked like in the 1950s..

I am not sure what the name of this British Bomber is but I am told it is the last one still flying..

A stature dedicated to two great British men in racing... Lofty England the competition director for Jaguar in the 1950s when they were winning LeMans almost every year and Mike Hawthorne the first British driver to win the world championship and a winning Jaguar driver..

The  Stirling Moss signing autographs.. Another great Jewish racing driver..

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