Dear Family & Friends,
Another report from Buenos Aires….. So far it has been a wonder full time.. As with any trip there are surprises and less than exciting days..
Friday we book an all day excision. First it was a three hour trip by boat up the Rio Tigre river to what was supposed to be a remote town and then a few hour train trip back.
I had expected we were going up a remote wildlife river to a quaint village. While the river was pretty it was hardly remote or full of wildlife.. The river we saw was mainly a vacation and resort area for the locals. Lots of homes along the river and no wild life. The town we came to was average at best (it did have the Argentine equivalent of DisneyLand there ) and because the boat was late we had to rush through it.. Then the train ride back was almost 100% through cities so nothing spectacular there. Not a bad day but certainly not a great day. If we had seen it all in two hours instead of 10 it might have been better.
After we got back to the room we I took a great three hour nap! I like the Argentine pace of life.. Dinner time at the restaurants doesn't really get going until about 9-10pm! After a relaxing nap we went out for dinner and Bonnie and I shared a massive plate of assorted grilled meats and vegetables! The food here is great but I have to say I may be approaching terminal steak out.. :(
Saturday everyone one but me wanted to go to the local cemetery. For some reason it just did not appeal to me but being the sport I went along.. Again trips are full of surprises because I found it the best site we have seen so far! I enjoyed every minute of it! The cemetery is very old, as is Buenos Aires, and has lots of history. The crypts were so beautiful and ornate and there were so many of them at times it looked like you were walking down an ancient half size city. Check out my blog for lots of photos of this area.
There was also lots of history there. So many famous people buried there. Of course the one crypt that had a line up to it to see it was Eva Peron.. A very controversial person in Argentina.. If you were one of the masses that were helped by her you loved her. If you were part of the establishment (the 1%) that didn't get everything you hated her. Kind of like politics in America today??
Tonight we are off to an elaborate dinner and Tango dance show which I am looking forward to. I hope I can take some photos..
Until my next report, buenos dias.
The "Queen of the Tigre Rio" river about to set sail... |
As we left the harbor we passed this light house and port of entry building. Even this utilitarian structure has tremendous style and grace.. |
Such an old and modern city all mixed together.. |
As we left the harbor we passed this area where they unloaded shipping containers.. I took this picture just because I liked the pattern... :) |
My brother in law and his new "lens"... I have serious lens envy issues... :( |
Hardly entering the wilds of South America as we passed on watch club after another.. |
A little bit of nature shore line.. |
One of the local "Natives" passing us in their natural environment... Primitive?? |
A local native hut... |
This native could afford to build his own weather environment completely enclosing his house in a glass room. Or maybe this is where Big Bird lives and this is an aviary?? |
Again showing off is mighty "Lens" right in front me!! I feel so inadequate... :( |
A FIXER UPPER available cheap... Tow it away. |
I am pretty sure they don't have an OSHA here. We don't need no stinking' safety standards!! |
I found where they move Jurassic Park to.. |
Argentine DisneyLand.... |
Argentina has a funny mix of architecture from England, Spain, France, and Italy. |
I guess with 1.5 billion Chinese people they can afford to build a China Town EVERYWHERE!! |
McCafe is Argentine for McDonalds..... All exactly the same except the name. |
This building the locals call the British Castle and it is one of the local rowing clubs.. A big sport here for towns along the river. |
There are more red British phone booths now in Argentina than in the UK! |
How would you market this fine piece of property? " Beautiful view, right on the river, near town, needs a bit of renovation"? |
British style |
French style. |
A local market with not much we wanted.. |
:) |
Bonnie is a true mosaic artist so she really enjoyed this local project they were doing. |
Really??? This much excitement about a waffle?? I guess there is not much to do in this town. |
Today is Saturday and we are walking into town past a beautiful church and to visit the famous cemetery here.. |
By some holy miracle they happened to have a street fair by the cemetery today.. Lots to see and shop for.. |
This man will always have work... his job is to paint over graffiti... |
Entering the Buenos Aires cemetery.. |
You can almost imagine you are walking down some ancient boulevard in Rome or Greece?? |
It felt so much like a city I was disappointed when no one answered... :( |
Since it is still an active cemetery some of the crypts are quite modern looking.. |
This crypt looks like a corner pub that should be open for a drink.. |
My brother in law. "Indiana Cohen", international explorer.. |
Poindexter is buried here.. |
This one was completely falling apart inside and ready for a remodel. Your could probably get a good deal on this fixer upper. |
I was very pleased with this photos. Looking inside it was completely dark so I just stuck my camera through the bars and hoped for the best... The image exposed so much detail and beauty. Lucky shot. |
Bonnie is looking at this and thinking, "What the heck is a Christian icon doing lighting a menorah here??" |
This one looks like a jewelry store on Rodeo Drive.. |
IT really looks like someone should be home. |
This is where Eva Peron is buried. Rather plain compared to the others but the first time she was buried here forces that hater her stole her body, desecrated it, and shipped it out of the country. When they brought her back they buried here under ground sealed in a wall so it could not happen again. |
The only place in the cemetery where there is a line of people waiting to see a particular crypt, Peron's.. Fifteen years after I am buried there will be no one coming to visit me.. They'll be saying "Jason who???" :( |
OH boy a street fair with shopping!! What a treat!!! |
We went to a local Starbucks for a drink and this is how they spell "Bonnie".. See I am NOT the worst speller in the world... only the second worst. |
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