Sunday, March 12, 2017

Help us Cure MS!!

Dear Family  & Friends,
We are almost finished with this years MS fund raising drive. First we would like to thank all the friends and family that have supported our efforts. We are now half way to our goal of $10,000! We are looking for one more big push before the end of April to reach our goal. Any amount you can donate helps reach our goal. 
This is a worth while cause......
-First they fund research that has made big progress on the treatment of MS.
-Second the current MS therapies and medications are incredibly expensive for the patient!  My family is lucky in that we have good health insurance and resources that covers it, but there are many MS suffers that get sub-standard care simply because they don't have the financial resources. This is where the MS Society helps these people out along with other services they would normally not be able to afford.
-And finally the medical research the MS Society funds is cutting edge looking at genetic DNA,  and molecular issues that cause this condition. The amazing thing is much of the knowledge they are gathering will help cure a multitude of diseases and chronic conditions.
So once again I am asking you to support this cause. As an incentive for any donation of $50 or more I will send you one of our MS Fund Raising Team coffee cups free!
Here is how easy it is:
- You can mail me a check made out to the "MS SOCIETY" along with your address and I will mail you a cup
-You can hand me a check  made out to the " MS SOCIETY" when you see me around town and I will get a cup to you.
-You can go to this link below and do an on line donation and email me your address and I will mail you a cup.
Thanks you again for your wonderful support.
Jason & Bonnie
% XKs Unlimited
850 Fiero Lane
San Luis Obispo, Ca.

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